Thank you for supporting one of our community’s recently established funds.
Mark the occasion of a celebration, Simcha, or in memory or in honor of a friend or loved one with a donation to one of these important funds:
Mel Cutler Fund for Israeli Emissaries & Shlichim:
Each year for the past two decades we have welcomed young Israeli leaders into our community to build bridges and relationships between Central MA and Israel. The Israeli Emissaries & Shlichim work with our religious school students, plan Israeli events and programs, teach, and engage in important community outreach…and much more!
Daniel Baker Memorial Fund for FIDF IMPACT! Scholarship:
The FIDF IMPACT! Scholarship provides essential funding to support the university education of an IDF soldier from a severely disadvantaged background. The fund is named in memory of Daniel Baker Z”L who served as a Lone Soldier to the IDF in the Nachal Unit in 2006 and 2007 during the Second Lebanon War, he passed away unexpectedly at age 35 in the Summer of 2022.
PJ Library Endowment Program:
PJ Library is a program that sends Jewish themed books to children in our community through funding from Federation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. A match from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation will mean that your gift will result in a .25x match [ex. if you give $1,000 our PJ program gets $1,250] ! Also note that a legacy commitment will result in a $2,000 gift from Harold Grinspoon foundation. Click here to sign a LEGACY letter of intent.
Jewish Cemetery Beautification Fund:
We plan to continue the work of beautifying our cemeteries, improvements may include repaving, repair of structures, walls and gravestones, landscaping management, and more.
Hadassah Federation Campaign for Neurim Youth Village:
This special joint project between Federation and Hadassah will enable the Neurim Youth Village to continue to safely welcome children displaced by Russia’s war on Ukraine.